How It Works

How It Works

Caroma 3D products are available for the following ranges: Urbane II, Liano II and Luna with more to come.

View Products in 3D

Browse a product page from the above ranges and click on the 3D product to rotate it and view from any angle. Use your mouse wheel to zoom for a closer look and visualise different colours by clicking on the "Change Colour" button, when available.

View Product in Your Home

1. See a product in your home by clicking on the "View At Home" button and scanning the QR code with your mobile device.

2. When your Augmented Reality experience starts, point your mobile device at the floor and move it in a small circular motion. This movement allows your device to detect your floor and calculate where to place your AR product.

3. Once your AR product appears, use one finger to position it and 2 fingers to zoom or rotate. Your product should be displayed with realistic sizing and placement, so you can explore it from different angles and take photos.

Note: AR requires a compatible mobile phone or tablet device.